Registration SysMO Evaluation Conference 2008

Please note that your registration is only valid after you have received written confirmation and invoice.
Please do not transfer any money in advance!

Please note that payment can only be done by bank transfer.

I want to register as a participant of the SysMO Evaluation Conference 2008!


(to which all correspondence will be sent)

Last name
First name
If you are a PostDoc or a PhD student, who is the principal investigator of your SysMO project?
Pl's Last name
I am participating in the following SysMO consortium / consortia
BaCell-SysMO (Hecker consortium)
COSMIC (Duerre consortium)
SUMO (Poole consortium)
SysMO-LAB (Hugenholtz consortium)
PSysMO (Martins dos Santos consortium)
MOSES (Westerhoff consortium)
TRANSLUCENT (Ariño consortium)
Wellington consortium
Booth consortium
Valla consortium
Schleper consortium
Address 1
Address 2
Post Code
Town / City


A conference fee of altogether 55€ will be charged from all participants. This conference fee covers in part the costs for the meals and the coffee breaks at the Evaluation Conference. All other costs (conference room, poster session etc.) will be covered by the organiser and are therefore not included.

Conference Fee


We are holding a number of rooms at discounted rates at the venue for the nights of 30th June and 1st July, 2008. The accommodation will be charged together with the conference fee. To reserve a room for these dates, please indicate the type of room you wish to reserve.

I would like to make a binding reservation:

single room (85 EUR per night)
double room (132 EUR per night)
(together with: )
No accommodation required
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Number of nights


Please total the amounts for your conference fee and your accommodation (in the applicable categories). If having received a written confirmation and invoice, please transfer the full amount before 16th May, 2008.

I will transfer the whole amount of EUR to Kontodaten Christine Harms

Please note that your registration is only valid after you have received written confirmation and invoice. Please also note that the payment is only possible by bank transfer. Please do not transfer any money in advance!


If you need to cancel your registration for the Evaluation Conference please do so before 16th May 2008. You are welcome to nominate a representative who will attend the meeting on your behalf.

If cancellation is received in writing before 16th May 2008 you will be refunded minus 40 € handling fee. The handling fee will not be charged if a representative who is not registred to that day is attending the Evaluation Conference on your behalf. For cancellations received after 16th May 2008 no refunds will be made.

Cancellation requests for confirmed registrations must be received in writing on or before 16th May 2008 to qualify for a refund. An administrative fee of 40 € will be deducted for all approved cancellations received on or before 16th May, 2008. Approved refunds will be processed as soon as possible, but may be held until after the Evaluation Conference. Cancellation requests received after 16th May, 2008 will NOT be able to be honored. You must e-mail cancellation requests to the SysMO Office (Email: ).
